Patent Info
Patent Info
Continuation or Continuation-in-Part (CIP)Application
What is a Continuation or Continuation-in-part application?
- A continuation application is one where no new matter is added to the specification, but the claims are changed and re-submitted.
- A continuation-in-part (CIP) is an application that contains “new matter.” New matter is a new feature that you are incorporating into your invention that was not previously described when the application was filed.
- For example, if during the pendency of your application, you discovered or developed a new feature that improves the current invention, that new feature would be considered new matter. You would not be able to insert this new feature into your original application during a response to an office action. Rather, you would file a CIP application as a brand new application.
- If you file a CIP application, you go right back to the end of the line and you can expect to go through this whole process all over again, including the timing and the costs.