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Drawings are required and can be uploaded here along with any other supporting documents you have prepared. Supporting documents should further describe your invention, detailing how it would be made and used (PDF or JPG files only).

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I / we claim the invention disclosed herein.

Maximum 10 inventors allowed.

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Are you a large entity in that you or your licensee has 500 or more employees? Help & Examples

Are you a Micro Entity in that each inventor's, or their assignees', gross income for the last calendar year was below $161,000 and each named inventor has filed four (4) or fewer non-provisional patent applications? By checking this box you (and each named inventor) are certifying that you qualify for Micro Entity Status and understand that you are electronically signing the United States Patent Office’s Micro Entity Verification (a copy of which can be found in the Help & Examples link). Help & Examples

Will you be assigning this patent application to another party? Help & Examples

Was this invention made with U.S. government support, where the government has any rights to the invention?

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